When you follow your desires, you see value in yourself and in what you do.

You're much better at keeping boundaries, protecting your time, and enjoying life. And you can start doing it right where you are or you can start creating that thing whose time has come. The good thing about all this? You don’t have to go it alone.

The Fire Starter Sessions will help you integrate your life, work, and values, AND bring confidence and ease.

  • Week One: Declare Your Superpowers + Passions

    We all have superpowers, and in week one we will be defining exactly what yours are so you can leverage them.

  • Week Two:The Metrics of Ease

    Too often we subscribe to the hustle and the idea that it has to be hard. Nope, lift the weight off your shoulders and start living easier, lighter, now.

  • Week Three: Making Your Vision A Reality

    Too many shakers, makers and world changers try to go from point A to point Z. In week three we are pumping the breaks and we will be creating a clear plan and vision for success.

  • Week Four: Fear & Other Tough Stuff

    Respect & deconstruct your fears so you can hear what they are telling you and make it your ally. Also, fear is an asshole. This week we will get clear on how we can move through the fear without allowing it to stop us.

  • Week Five: Seeing Your Light

    No makes way for yes. Let’s create your stop doing list so you can say yes to shining your light. This is where we get rooted in how you can be of service to others in a way that feeds your spirit.

  • Week Six: How You Show Up Matters (Visioneering)

    How you show up and who you are is reflected in your life. This is where we dive in, do the Soul Work and get clear on who you are and who you want to be in your wild & precious life.

  • Week Seven: Calling All Sovereigns of Time:

    We are so busy; there is no time for anything. We will look at how we can manage time rather than the time managing us. Time can be our worst nightmare - but we can learn how to move out of the busy trap and trust the process we are in.

  • Week Eight: MONEY. More is more. Enough Is Plenty.

    You knew money would show up in the program sooner or later, and this is BIG because we are digging deep into our relationship with money, how to accept money as an exchange of energy and the purpose behind making (lots of) it.

  • Week Nine: Get Support + Get Started

    Who are your team players? Who do you need as supporting roles moving forward? Who is going to help you succeed at the level you hope? We are setting up your tribe like Stonehenge.

  • Week Ten: Just Start. NOW.

    Procrastination is the killer of creativity (and many businesses). In our last session we will create 3-5 clear action steps in moving forward and how you are going to keep going in the midst of doubt, fear, perfectionism and what ifs.

  • This program is FOR you if…

    • You have had enough of living in the "land of toleration" and want to gain control of your life and work.

    • Are ready to believe that there is a different, easier and authentic way of being successful in life.

    • Struggle with perfectionism and needing/wanting everything to be perfect before you can actually start.

    • Heart-centered entrepreneurs with big, BIG dreams.

    • Empaths, givers, nurturers, and lovers who want to make a big difference in their lives and others.

    • Side hustlers and future full-time entrepreneurs

  • This Program is NOT for you if you...

    • Are coming up with excuses why you cannot do or change anything now. You're a master of "yeah but"-ing.

    • Have long-term priorities other than improving your work and life experience, cannot allocate time to the program.

    • Are not prepared to open up to new possibilities and take steps to improve your situation.

    • Are not willing to give up judging yourself and others to get results.

Babe, there’s no use in waiting another day, month, or year to ignite your soul fire!

Say YES to YOU!