Fire Starter COACHING

Soulful + Practical
Coaching for
Creating Success On
Your Own Terms

The Fire Starter Sessions is a 10-week program to strengthen your voice, prioritize what’s sacred, and define success on your own terms.

This is the permission slip you’ve been waiting for — to fully want what you want and go for it, to expand your consciousness and your cash flow, to up the ante on your dreams, and to be incredibly generous with your love.

I get it, you've done a lot of soul-searching, personal development work, yoga, movement practice, and meditation. You feel great while you are doing it and then it ends and... you have no idea how to transfer any of that into reality and work.

You go on an amazing trip or retreat, you learn a lot, and then you go back to work and the effect is gone in days.
One minute you feel so brave and excited about the possibilities, and the next minute you feel chaotic and frustrated by all that you have to do.

Yup, I’ve been there! Let’s create a shift!

what’s included in the
Fire Starter Sessions 3-Month Coaching Program?

  • Experience personalized coaching sessions tailored to your needs, conducted weekly via Zoom.

    With a structured approach of 3 calls per month, followed by an integration week, you'll receive consistent support without feeling overwhelmed.

    These 60-minute live sessions offer ample time to ask questions, learn efficiently, and receive individualized guidance.

  • Unlock your potential through a meticulously crafted curriculum designed to guide you from gaining clarity to implementation.

    Follow a sequential and gradual process that untangles old habits and fosters new ways of thinking.

    Each step is carefully structured to facilitate your growth journey effectively.

  • Access carefully selected worksheets designed to deepen your learning experience and ensure continuous progress between coaching sessions.

    Apply new concepts to your unique life situations, seamlessly transitioning from learning to being and doing.

    These resources are instrumental in anchoring your progress and facilitating practical application.

  • Benefit from confidential and timely support through private, online communication via email.

    Address any challenges or stuck spots you encounter outside of coaching sessions, and receive expert guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

    This avenue ensures seamless integration of coaching principles into real-life situations, fostering sustainable growth and development.

  • The Old Way: Act on external demands

    • Work as hard as you can, hope to get recognized

    • Tolerate and stay in isolation

    • No time to take care of yourself

    • Do things because you "should"

  • New Way: Follow your desires

    • Develop and follow your own definition of success

    • Gain clarity on your true strengths and values

    • Feel in control of your work and life

    • Make a meaningful contribution to the world in a way that feels good not only “when you get there” but also on the way!

Babe, there’s no use in waiting another day, month, or year to ignite your soul fire!

Say YES to YOU!

Don't waste time trying to figure it out on your own. 
Isolation and tolerating are two of the greatest mistakes of the old way!